20 million Americans suffer from an anxiety disorders. Breathing eases anxiety by activating the parasympathetic nervous system and triggering the body's relaxation response, which reduces stress hormones and slows down the heart rate.
Pairing with existing smartwatches, Happika detects elevated heartbeats and guides the user through breathing exercises.
By personifying the object as a companion and pet similar to a tamagotchi, the user creates an emotional bond with it. Happika externalizes internal struggles-- by helping their Happika, they help themselves.

The user's smartwatch detects an elevated heartbeat and sends Happika a signal. Happika in turn lets out a ASMR sound notification, that calls the user's attention to their state of distress.
If the user picks up Happika, the object starts expanding and contracting, simulating breathing. It will stop either until the user's breathing steadies.