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Savannah’s Journey to Canopy Equity

Project done in collaboration with
The Savannah Tree Foundation and SCAD SERVE

Our goal for this project was to enhance Savannah’s urban tree canopy equity. Over the course of ten weeks, we worked to address the greatest areas of opportunity to increase overall community health. Our efforts focused on the city of Savannah’s west side, specifically the neighborhoods of Woodville and Hudson Hill.


Through countless hours of on-ground tree surveying, our goal was to develop engaging and informative data visualizations. We then incorporated those visuals into a proposal for Savannah Tree Foundation to implement further down the line.


Our hope is that this collection of data helps Savannah Tree Foundation communicate with the public, develop new initiatives, and successfully obtain grants.


Project Details

This project was developed by a team of 15 students from diverse backgrounds. 

Among my duties: One of the Team Managers, Internal Communication, Scrum Master, Pass-It-Book Design

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